For the original trade idea,
click here. This trade tried to do what we wanted it to do. In fact it looks like it is setting up to try again. This trade opened after the close of the 2000 EDT bar yesterday. We were short the pair at 158.27. After ducking back inside the channel briefly, the pair fell seriously starting just before and then through the start of the European session. It finally hit its low of 156.87 during the 0600 EDT bar this morning. That marked our largest profit of the trade (+140 pips) and moved our trailing stop to +40 pips. We were stopped out when the pair moved sharply up starting with the 0900 EDT bar this morning. Not the trade I'd hoped for, but I'll take a profit any time. I'm going to watch this pair and may enter again if it closes below the bottom channel line again.
Happy Trading!