Monday, February 9, 2009

Commodities Trading Results - January '09

I've decided to post my monthly results for commodities trading here as well. As I indicated in my early January post on my 2008 trade results for commodities, my system, which is a modified breakout system, can have huge swings. 50% drawdowns happen, which is why I never risk more than $100,000 in any year. I've never lost the account, but I have had 65% losses. On balance I've done very well with commodities. I don't like the market as much as Forex, but the profit potential is too huge to ignore. Last year's better than 500% gain is an indication of that. I may get to the point where I'm willing to post my individual trades, but as the size of the trades you have to make to be in the commodities market is much larger than the Forex market, I'll have to think about it. Feel free to weigh in if you have an opinion or would definitely like to see the trades posted.

January was a good month in the commodities markets due mostly to my short position in natural gas and lean hogs. I'll post my results for February in a bit more timely fashion next time.

Happy Trading!