For the original trade idea,
click here. This trade opened for me at the end of the 15 minute bar at 0415 EDT yesterday when it broke the upper support line and closed at 148.70. It moved down nicely and closed below the second support line at 0530 EDT at 147.73. At that point I was in for a 2/3 position. At about that time as well, the first position was +100 pips so I moved that position to break even and used that stop as my stop for the second position. I put a 20 pip trailing stop on the positions at that time. The trade stopped out at 147.70 after a nice run down and a subsequent retracement. The total for the trade was (1/3 x 100 pips) + (1/3 x 3 pips) = 34 pips total for the trade. Some of you may have done better, depending on how you took your positions and what stops you used, but I am counting 34 pips on our total. I'll take that.
Happy Trading!