For those paying attention, the first quarter of this year yielded +2,690 pips based on the Trade Ideas posted on this blog. It seems that this has become more of a way to document my trades (always a good idea) than an outlet to discuss the issues I face while trading and holding down a full time job. I guess that I've been trading and working long enough that it has become second nature to do both and I just don't think about it any longer. It has been good to get my trading ideas out there and it has helped me focus my trading. It has also made me answerable to someone (you who read this blog) for my trades. This type of accountability is vital to a successful trading plan. What's a trading plan, you ask? Why, it is the subject of a future post. So keep an eye out.
As for the pips we've gained in the first quarter of the year, if you trade 1 standard lot, you've made $26,900 if you've taken every trade on this blog. If you trade 1 mini lot, you've made $2,690 (roughly). Not bad. Let's see if we can keep moving in this direction. Thanks to all of you who send me your comments and questions. I'll see if we can have as good a second quarter as we did the first.
Happy Trading!
As for the pips we've gained in the first quarter of the year, if you trade 1 standard lot, you've made $26,900 if you've taken every trade on this blog. If you trade 1 mini lot, you've made $2,690 (roughly). Not bad. Let's see if we can keep moving in this direction. Thanks to all of you who send me your comments and questions. I'll see if we can have as good a second quarter as we did the first.
Happy Trading!